I've been enjoying not posting every single training session on Instagram. But then I realize that many people have followed my training for years. So here's the run down.
At the end of October, I reached out to Paul Oneid for some coaching. I didn't want to be in charge of my own training and I am always interested in new perspectives. I told him I wanted variety, I wasn't very motivated (at the time) and I wasn't really in the mood to lift super heavy. Leaves lots of options... haha!
He designed a 2 week split, meaning one week was one thing, the next week was something else. (Some things were similar but the heavy stuff rotated).
I've been working heavily on my raw squat and finding a comfortable position that is powerful, safe and still utilizes my strengths (posterior chain).
Bench started out feeling yucky with some shoulder pinching, so he chose exercises that didn't hurt and I've been building on those. Now, benching is feeling great and I'm feeling confident again.
Here's a few clips of squats and deads and how I've been changing those things. We worked a lot of tempo to work positioning and I am using Oly shoes for now as well. We've also kept the accessories relatively the same (which I'm always changing accessories) and that's allowed me to progressively overload those and see those improve.