Wow, I really needed this deload. It was a great week though. I worked out some stuff on my squat and deadlift. I figured out the perfect combination for pain free squats for my back and knees. Very wide stance with a weightlifting shoe to a dead parallel box. I was squatting to a box with foam and the problem was, the foam would compress below parallel and my knees were not having it. Heck, if I had to set it above parallel to be pain free I would have. The fact that it's at parallel is a bonus.
For the deadlift, I moved my stance in and am really pushing out my knees. This seems to be keeping my back and knees happy also. I didn't ohp because my neck has been bothering me. Not doing them helped. I feel better. Now I just need to figure out what I'll do on this day instead of ohp.
That makes four weeks of pretty pain free training. Shootin' for double digits. We'll see.
More good news. My Friday night training partner Karsten has been killing it with his bench. He has a meet coming up in two weeks. When we started training eight years or so ago, it took him forever to hit 315 in the bench. Now he does it for speed work. I can't wait to be there when he smashes another pr.
That's it all. Hope your training is kicking ass!
-Bbl ext 95 5x10
-Meadow's row 5x10
-Dips bw 5x8
-Cable curl 40 3x10
-OH plate raise 25 3x10
-Pullups 3x5
*40 lb weight vest walk 25 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch
-SSB Box Squat 235 5x8
-Back raises 3x10
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x5
-Bulgarian split squats 3x5
*40 lb weight vest walk 25 minutes
*Foam roll/stretch
-Bench 225 10x5
-Close grip shoulder saver bench 225 5x5
-Fat bar pulldowns to sternum 90 3x10
-Fat bar pushdowns 50 3x10
-Dbl hammer curls 30 3x10
-Trap bar deadlift 245 10x5
-Back raises 3x10
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x5
-Bulgarian split squats 3x5
*Treadmill 20 minutes
*1 hr massage