Last Monday was a bench day, and the plan was an easy opener to a one board. The point was to get a bit of weight in my hands without the stress of trying to touch.
Everything went off without a hitch, so I moved on to some upper back and triceps work.
The next week was my last squat day with any gear, and it was another easy one. All I did was work up to 620 in a brief and wraps. Just like the previous bench day, the goal was to feel a little weight without overextending.
My last real bench day on the following Monday was a slingshot bench with 2 chains. I made it up to 405. I knew I had another in the tank, but thought it wiser to back off and let the healing process begin. I beat myself up pretty good this cycle, and the rest should do wonders.
I actually began my reload a week or so sooner than I have in the past. It was a bit of a gamble, but I'm pretty confident I will come in stronger and healthier than ever. At this point in my career, my meet performances tend to depend on my health more than my strength.
Looking forward to some rest!