Throwback to early 2000. @elitefts before being able to afford the $400/month rent our first space would cost. Several years where I worked very long days and nights. Traci @notunderthebar would come home from work and begin working @elitefts and do all the things I didn’t know how to do. It took us both to move the company at a snail pace but it did keep moving.
Inventory was in spare bedroom and over time spread to the hallway and garage. Many years of bootstrapping with everything going back into business. #nopaychecks
Did you know banks have free pens- ya, that’s bootstrapping.
The adding machine, palm pilot, VCR, landline = phone and Fax machine were VITAL and the computer and dial up internet were the life line of the company. The 2x8 board for a self was left over from the platform that was put down at WSBB, the desk and cabinets were “gifted” to us after being torn out of a house getting a kitchen remodel. The computer was built for me by my brother out of spare parts his work let him have.
I can still remember the hours and hours and hours per week speaking to customers about training. Many more would call just to talk about training. I learned far more speaking to them as they ever did from me. Many are still supporters of @elitefts today.
While many things have changed over the years the most import had stayed to same. Living, Learning and Passing on.
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