I made a comment yesterday regarding not caring about people's workouts unless they do something really bone headed.
It starts with 3000 "Friends" that post everything they do on a daily basis. Some numbers never change.
The other 1000 are "Cat Fishes" Guys or gals that pretend to be the really HAWT and sexy girls that can't wait to trade XXX photos. (I don't care...I like what they in box me, even if it isn't them, I send cartoons that aren't me...)
But the responses were cool, everything from "Isn't that what YOU do?" (Duh...yea) to "does such and such count" or "you must not mean me..."
Here's what I meant, I remember Vincent D saying this at a seminar we put on a few years ago, "I bench 600 lbs raw. 900 with a shirt...You aren't going to impress me. We are here to work on technique!"
That resonates with me today. I've seen the 1% athlete perform at the highest level in the gym. I'd rather see or hear about what you did to overcome your flaws. I don't give a shit about your 225 x 2, pinky from the rings, no belt, fasted, post de load, raw PR on the bench. Because next time you bench, it might be a three rep PR. Who cares? Not me!
Yes your training session is important. Who you may ask?
YOU! Only YOU!!!
I have a number of First Responders in my program. Many are police, and a large % are or were "Dog Handlers"
I remember a question that was posed to Adrian Foster of the Houston Texans as to "what is the largest wild animal you could actually beat (as in kill) with your bare hands. No weapons.
He said he could beat a Wolf, on the premise that he weighed 200+ pounds and the wolf might be 180 or so, AND...he had opposing thumbs.
The dog handlers were all over that one, giving details of German Shepards that weigh less than 90 pounds and the type of damage they deliver when at a full sprint. ("Like getting hit with a 2x4 with 40 nails through it)
I was going through it in my head and came up with the only wild animal that I could whoop MIGHT be a RAT. I killed the fuck out of a rat recently.
We're all way too domesticated.
Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3x47% + Double Choked Mini Bands
3 Board Press:
work up to a heavy three reps then repeat for a second set
OHP: 8x1x80%
Bottom Iso: 2x1x65%
Middle Iso: 2x1x65%
Top Iso: 2x1x65%
Face Pull:
Hi to Lo: 3x20x70
Lo to Hi: 3x20x70