When we have something we want more.
When we have nothing we want something.
We all TEND to want things we can't have and in some strange way, THAT makes us all the same.
Pop Your Heart Wed.
It was a mix today to keep people MOVING and not piss off our neighbors with the mass of humanity that consumes a joint parking lot.
Luckily I have done a lot for Parking Lot Diplomacy with the add of Conversations and "Chirping" with the owner of the business NEXT door.
So while some did two or three of the following here's the Over View of what was going on:
Front Plank: 3x 1 minute / 30 second rest
Side Plank: 3x30 seconds each side with no rest
Incline Leg Lift: 3x10 I taught the importance of NOT engaging the Psoas muscle.
Prowler: 2000 yards of sprints
Battle Ropes: 10x20 alternating "slams"
Concept II Row: 5 min. steady state followed by 10x30 seconds HARD interval w/ 30 second recovery
AirDyne Bike: 5 min. steady state followed by 10x30 seconds hard interval w/ 30 second recovery
Incline Graded Treadmill Walk: 12 minuts
Inverted Verse-Climber: 10x25 steps