I guess I can come right out and say it...
1) I'm trying to qualify for Masters World's Strongest Man 2020
2) I've entered an online strongman contest lasting the month of June
3) I've torn my right hamstring deadlift (missing) 600 lbs last week
Other than getting sick right at the end of March when quarantine first started, I've been doing really REALLY good training mostly at home. My bodyweight is constantly around 290 lbs and all of my weights in training have been climbing. I'd made a program and a plan to stick with and the one time that I don't stick with my plan, my hamstring goes POP!
It POPPED so loudly that you can see my son on video hearing it and it getting his attention. I have a bruise that has popped up and since then I have box squatted (1 set of 8 with about 12 knee wraps on it and a lot of pain) and tonight I attempted a 125/275 log press PR (hurt picking up, wicked cramp on the clean, body stiff as a board) but this is just one more set back that I don't need right now.
I'll get a bunch of video going in the next week and get you guys all caught up and tons of content flying but this is a fresh reminder that if you have a plan...STICK TO IT! Even if you think you can jump ahead...DON'T!