Heading back to the mecca of the strength world, London Ohio. That's where the illustrious EliteFTS headquarters is located as well as Wendler's house, Casa De Muerte. I don't know whether it's the pandemic, old age, or that I just really love all these f*ckers, but I can't wait. Usually a week out, I start bitching and moaning about leaving my house for any commitment let alone getting on a plane with other humans, but these NOV gatherings Rhodes, Wendler, and I have are momentous.
I used to love to compete in powerlifting. There was an era when you had to travel to almost any meet. You'd all stay at the same hotel. The hang was just about as cool as the lifting. Now, it seems like just lifting happens. Sh!t, I can do that in my basement.
Anyway, Jim, Matt, and I will hang, train, eat, laugh, and verbally attack each other for a good long weekend. The male toxicity will be off the charts. I'll also hash out training and conditioning ideas for the next however many months until we do it again.
For those who feel like they are missing out, I believe we will be all part of an EliteFts Table Talk. I know last time we were out there Dave was away and let the kids run the show. I really hope Dave is around this time. I'm sure we'll all tell the same stories we have heard dozens of times and laugh even harder this time around. Hell, people might even learn a thing or two about training.
I hope you are all somehow making great connections with your lifting. With very little exception, my best friends have all come from training. For good or for ill, most of us are very like-minded people. Find your tribe people.
Hopefully, I'll live through the experience and report back next week. Stay tuned.