I wanted to move quickly through todays session. To meet that end, I kept things real close to home concerning the bench.
Instead of doing a bunch of Dynamic Sets then DB presses, then close grip I got my group to D.E. Weight for our bench and did 10x2 at 190 lbs.
Then with the same weight we proceeded to rep bench like this:
After that we had two super sets of Rope Tricep push downs and one board close grip bench.
Set 1:
47 reps with 110 lbs on the rope push down SS with...yup 190 lbs for 15 reps off the one board
Set 2:
37 reps @110 and again 190 lbs for 12 reps
C/S Row: 3x8x85
Rear Delt Raise: 3x20x20
4 way neck: 1x25x5.5
Moderate pace bike ride home in 100 degrees.
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