I've talked about instead of leaving a better planet for my kid, that I would leave a better kid for my planet.
I also have said, what I am today is the cumulation of the books I've read, and the people that I've associated with.
I'm really happy with the way my existence has played out. So what do I do to stifle that? Change the above criteria.
What am I doing today to make myself better tomorrow? I've made a decision. Yup, that's all it takes! Once you've made a decision for a change to be better, then ALL other decisions are also made.
If you want to get better, you go back to the things that have worked in the past. You throw out the things that have wasted your time in the NOW, and you begin to DISCIPLINE yourself to DO what the old self, wouldn't!
Day 3 in the books for "THE change".
Today's Training:
DB Row: 1x10x50; 1x10x60;1x20x70
Small V bar Pull Down: 4x8x180 Pull down HARD and let the deceleration last 4 counts.
Pull Over: 4x10x40
Just below the knee Pin Pull: 10x1x350
Don't take your hands off the bar between reps. But actually do 10 sets of ONE rep, resetting each set. Take about 5-10 seconds between pulls
Prowler Push: 5x80 yards= 400
How about this hat? "No Shoes Nation" Covers my shoeless lifestyle as well as my admiration for my local NFL team...The Raiders.
It was actually a gift from my good pals, Sean and Jackie O'keefe.
They went to a Kenny Chesney concert and this JUMPED out at them as a gift for ME!!!
How freak'n appropriate is THIS? Quite! I'd say!!!!