Do you want to get stronger, eliminate weakness, be more injury resistant and get that way without doing hard work? Well, that’s not going to happen, but I want you to Do This Between Sets To Get Stronger. It’s one of my favorite Active Rest exercises and it is a killer.
Active rest?
If you’ve read my logs you know, but if you haven’t, Active Rest is doing a low level (not too demanding) exercise to get some extra volume, mobility, flexibility or GPP done between sets that should not affect the primary exercise you are doing.
So, instead of sitting around on your ass between sets looking at your phone, do something productive.
Like the Static Back Raise Pullapart.
The what?
The Static Back Raise Pullapart is a combo exercise that has a static contraction and an active movement in one. Your Posterior Chain (glutes, hamstrings, lower back and calves) are holding you still at the top of a back raise while your upper back is doing a Pullapart. It’s an asskicker that gives results.
Plus, it is not hard to recover from and that makes it an ideal Active Rest exercise.

I suggest adding these in between sets of Assistance and Accessory work. You can program them as you like, but I suggest starting with low reps on the pullapart, or a short amount of time total.
- Week 1: 5 Pullaparts with hold between sets
- Week 2: 8 Pullaparts with hold between sets
- Week 3: 10 Pullaparts with hold between sets
User time.
- Week 1: 10 seconds with as many strict Pullaparts as possible between each main set
- Week 2: 15 seconds with as many strict Pullaparts as possible between each main set
- Week 3: 20 seconds with as many strict Pullaparts as possible between each main set
Watch the video and Do This Between Sets To Get Stronger
I also suggest using a Micro Band or Mini Band. You do not need a lot of band tension on these!
Give them a shot.
Let me know how much stronger they made the back side of your body in as little as 3 weeks!
For now, I’m off to Viva Las Vegas, the biggest Hot Rod show in the World!
Don’t forget, my episode of Table Talk is scheduled to drop in two days! Be sure and stop what you are doing and listen to all 4 hours of it!
Did you miss last week’s log?
Read it here.

Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
April 26, 2023