"Do the work. Don't be lazy.
Stop waiting around, the time is now.
Rely on only yourself
The Universe doesn't give a rip about YOU.
Be practical. Winning isn't a theory
Get stuff done early in the day. Don't dick around all day.
Don't be a baby and for God's sake, STOP complaining about everything.
Get going and STAY on it!
Hang around with 5 weaklings and you'll be the 6th. Hang with WINNERS
Don't waste your energy on stuff you can't control.
Quit BULLSHITTING. It's embarrassing.
Quit trying to please everyone. That's just plain sad.
Stop putting toxic shit in your body. That's just fucking stupid!
Stop doing the same things expecting a different result. That's just insane."
Today's Training:
Run*: 3 miles
Cycle*: Commute
- Blast Strap Row:
- Pushups:
- Fat Grip Dead Hang
- Front Plank
Lat Pulldown: 4x15
C/S Row: 4x15
Pullover: 4x15
Seated DB Curl: 4x15
DB Concentration Curl: 4x15
BOSU Sit-ups: 100 reps
4-Way Neck*: 1x15
Cycle*: Commute