I abhor stretching. I think I can find other things to do to occupy my time.
I say "I'll stretch later" or "I'll stretch in the shower", but I never seem to fit it in. After all, in the time it takes to stretch, I can run another mile or do some single-leg squat movements.
I've never seen a Grizzly Bear stretch!!!
But after years of abuse, and reintroduction of some conditioning work I desperately WANT to do, I find getting out of bed and getting around harder to do from all the nagging aches and pains.
On this morning's run, I made a conscious decision to incorporate the stretching routine that works so well so often when I get like this. Only this time, I'm committed to doing it DAILY and perhaps twice a day when I am feeling particularly awful.
I timed this morning's stretch routine which included some self-myofascial release techniques and it only took 12 total minutes.
Hmmm!!! Maybe I was just making an excuse?
Regardless...I feel 100% better NOW at the time of this writing than when I first woke up this morning.
Do what you NEED to do and not just what you WANT to do.
Today's Training:
Run: 3-mile fartlek run
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Dynamic Effort Bench: 10x3x55%
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
Single Arm/No Leg/ DB Floor Press: No Jell-o extraneous movements 3x12
Single Arm DB Lateral Raise: 3x12 No extra movement. Set up on a vertical and do NOT move off of it
Hi to Lo Mini Band Woodchops: 3x20
Curls: 3x12
Tricep Extension: 3x12
Bike Commute Home: 29 mins
Would love for you to detail some of your stretching or, better still a couple of videos
Much respect Keifer