A lot of people ask me about the kinds of foods that I eat. I've become well known online and in person for simply mixing foods together, covering in ketchup and mayo, and shoveling it down with a spoon. Casseroles made with 10 cans of tuna and 2 pounds of pasta for the day, eating a whole chicken, etc...
My wife and I made this together. She cooked the red rice and I made the meat (gyros pork meat and pork burgers).
My wife made the pork chops (didn't need a knife) and I made the rice and cut the avocados.
"Went Fishing" and got a 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) Tuna for sushi
50 G Protein, no cooking or prep required (although you do need to buy good fish and be careful how you handle it)
Plate 1 of 3, Wife Made! Koupepia (grape leaves wrapped around ground pork and rice), tzanziki, some kind of barbed something that tastes good soaked in vinegar, peppers, beets, avocados.
Plate 1 of 2, Wife Made! Koupepia, stuffed peppers, stuffed tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, barbed wire plant.
Salmon, Potato, Asparagus (Saturday post chemo meal)
Mixed Vegetables, Rice, Tuna Salad, Avocados, Ravaolis, Salmon
And I'll lay on the couch, listening to some good old Stevie Ray Vaughan with some BCAA's
NOTE: I cover most of these meals with ketchup, mayo, mustard, etc...and use a spoon!