If you want to be strong then what you do in the gym is very important BUT what you do to get you back into the gym faster is more important! Getting rid of pain (without medication) and preventing injuries (and more pain) will be the key to you having success. Face it, strength takes time. It is a long-term process and if you continue to find yourself beat up, injured, or in pain every few weeks/months/years then you will not travel FAR in your given sport.
Flossing is a pretty important part of my recovery. I carry a lot of my body's pains through my calves. At least that is where the pain originates. Starts with my feet, the pressure points are in my calf muscles and that leads to my knees, hamstrings, hips, back, and all the way through my neck and into my elbows/biceps. If I can take care of my feet and calf areas then I can prevent a lot of entire body pain!
So, you need to floss...but WHEN is the key? Do you want to be that guy that spends 45 minutes doing his mobility work before his 15 minutes of training? I sure don't!