Please excuse typo's, spelling errors and other mistakes. My grammar was bad to begin with and now that I can post these from my phone...well... it's not going to improve.
We just posted a great article from Alexander about cultivating your passion. Over the past 20 years in business we've helped many in this industry find, discover and cultivate their passion. Alexanders article got me thinking about how this is done, how we've been able to coach others as well as creating and maintaining the aim for Elitefts.com Inc.
To me Passion, Aim, Purpose and Vision are all kind of one in the same. Rather than blowing out an entire article on this that would quickly become a book. I will write some short posts that will cover some of the basics I go over with those whom I mentor both professionally and as part of Team elitefts.
The first key point is to understand your passion or purpose is NOT about being an entrepreneur! Nothing pisses me off more than this. Being happy has ZERO to do with having your own business and given a broadcast I listened to last week on Bloomberg Radio entrepreneurship and business start ups are now at an all-time low. The majority do NOT want to be their own boss. The reasons for this are many but most people simply don't want to deal with the insane failure rate, risk and bullshit. In turn workplaces are also not what they used to be and most people would rather leave the stress to someone else so they can create, do work they love and matter. Maybe their job is their passion and fills their purpose - or their job provides the ability for them to find and enjoy their purpose in other ways.
The Point...
I did write I would post a point and I guess I just did but that wasn't what I sat down to write. The point I wanted to make is...
Do not expect others to understand your purpose.
You will face criticism from family, friends and many others. This isn't a statement of chance it is a statement of fact. Very few really know what their purpose is so when they see others who have, it's frustrating. Maybe you're not sure if you really have found yours. Thanks okay as well. In time you will and if you keep reading my log I will provide you will some tips I have used to help others find theirs.
The key is to never stop looking. The reason for the critics is to make sure you DO keep looking. From adversity comes prosperity and without prosperity leaves mediocrity. Not from a financial aspect - from the aspect of fulfilling your purpose. Why are you here and why do you do what you do? Better asked, why are you not doing what you want to do? One step more, do you know what you want to do?
That's all...
...around 500 words basically saying - deal with the critics because they are part of the process of discovering what you real purpose is.