After a training post about triceps, bicep tendonitsand the hour long QA with John Russin I wanted to take this post in a different direction. You know, change things up some to keep you interested.
I have been doing this shit since before many of you could walk!
I competed for over 20 years and have been a part of the sport ever since. Outside of owning a federation, I’ve been involved in all aspects of the sport.
If you are 27 years old, I was training at WSBB before you were born. If you are 36, I was competing before you were born.
If you are 22, Elitefts was founded and educating others while you were sleeping in a playpen.
I do have a point here beyond bragging about my age and experience, and it’s not to those who were born after my first meet but to those who’ve been around as long as I.
Yes, we have a lot to offer and pass on - and should because of those who helped us find and grow in the sport, aside from it just being the right thing to do.
Here’s a question for you. Do you remember when you first fell in love with the Iron? If you were like me, it became a passion and consumed my mind 24/7. If I wasn’t training, I was learning about or speaking to others about training. Trained my ass off and learned my ass off.
If you were like me, I fell for some bullcrap and did a lot of dumb crap. Even those messed up things were lessons that, when combined with what was working and correct, all added up pretty quick. After seven years and a degree, I had already learned 80% of what I’d ever need to know. That last 20% I’m still in search of and don’t think I’ll ever find... but won’t stop.
Remember when you had that 80% figured out? Remember the ideas you would get? The creativity? It was awesome, right? Some of that stupid shit really worked, right?
Now, you see all those coming up in their 20’s and early 30’s. You do remember that was us back then, right? Yes, things have changed... a... lot... but that passion and fire many of them have for training is just as hot or hotter than mine ever was.
Look, I’m not going to stop busting balls and making fun of them, but we have to respect and learn from them as they are walking the same path, and I’m telling you, they are seeing shit we missed.
Try to listen to those who walk the same path, and you will see what I do and will learn from them.
#powerlifting #strengthandconditioning #elitefts
Yes, I do get their are tons of cons, fools, and those only out to make a buck - but they have existed in every era. They are easier to see now, that’s a good thing. #elitefts #powerlifting