A couple of years back I learned a great lesson from Buddy Morris. Buddy handed out a few thunderbolts and it wasn't from the podium of the conference we were attending but in the hallway just shoot'n the shit.
Buddy said, "If I teach ONE thing, there is an 87% chance of the person remembering it. If I teach TWO things that number drops to 33%. If I teach three things...well...Good Luck"
That quote reminds me even today that coaching strength and conditioning isn't a sprint, but a long haul marathon for the dedicated.
Today, after HAMMERING home the basics to my groups for most going on 8 years or better, I added a new twist.
GRIP THE BAR during the bench
I'm not writing about the normal grab a bar "sort of hard" I'm writing about CHOKING the motherfucker with a death grip. White knuckle application!
Without going into too much kinesiology, this creates MORE tension in the primary movers.
Give it a try on your next bench day and get back to me how you like it.
GRIP AND RIP for a bigger bench
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
KB Swings: 10x12x 44 lbs for men; 36 lbs for women
D.E. Bench: 8x3x +10lbs more than last week
Reverse Grip Tricep Push Down: 3x20
DB Row:
Work Sets: 3x10
Release the DB onto the floor each rep and then "SNATCH" that shit up forcefully
Banded Flys: 3x20
BB Curl: 3x20
Seated Side Bends for the Obliques: 3x12
Shrugs: 5x10x405
Bike Commute: 28 mins.
Sprints: 12x 10/50 on the AirDyne
Meridian Stretches