I did a Native American Rain Dance yesterday without the proper head dress. We are now expecting rain tomorrow instead of today. This will be welcomed as it will clean up our air. Still sucks monkey nut.
Top that off with a 15 hour interruption of our electricity. Seems our local utility SUCKS. Not only the interruption, but come to find out their neglect of lines that caused the spark that created the Wild Fire that is now THE most deadly wild fire in California HISTORY!
Fucknuckles! Do the job you get paid to DO!
Today's Training:
4 rep Suspended Good Mornings: Once the top weight is found, add three more sets of 4
Chain Lunge:
2 Chains x 30 reps each leg
1 chain x 30 reps each leg
0 chains x 30 reps each leg
Do it AGAIN!
GHR: 4x12
super set w/
Ab Wheel Roll out: 4x12
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
super set w/
Wide Lat Pulldown: 3x10
Back Attack: 4x8@75 lbs (SSB Yoke Bar)
Super Set w/
Medium Grip Lat Pulldown: 3x10
C/S Row: 4x8
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