I normally train four days a week and condition on at least the three off days. I'll also stretch and some rolling here and there. In other words, I'm doing something training related seven days a week.
Perhaps it was being on the last day of school break, or maybe I was just beat, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything training related. I did some work outside and cleaned the cars, so I was pretty busy. However, I won't count chores as training.
As I'm typing this, I'm actually fighting myself to not get out of my comfy chair and do some bird dogs or light stretches. Funny, I know if I did that, it would resolve this little inner conflict I'm having.
Maybe I'm staging my own protest against myself. Seriously though, haven't I done enough in my lifetime to not feel guilty about taking a day off? Ironically one of the best pieces of advice I offer is "Guilt is a wasted emotion." If only I could take my own advice. Oh well, tomorrow is less than three hours away, and bed time is even closer, so this conflict will be over one way or another pretty soon.
In the meantime, should I be looking online for some type of support group? How about it people, do any of you have this same issue with taking a day off?
My problem is resting enough not to injure myself or go into full blown adrenal fatigue, while staying active enough to keep the habit.