Too easy to let others do. Too easy to sidestep responsibility. Too easy to wish for, hope for, pray for...yet to not do.
Couple things come to mind right now. I was sitting around the campfire talking to my bud, Plato. I told him...To know and not to do, is simply NOT to know. Because if you knew, you'd have done, and the great things CAN then happen.
He was like..."DUDE, da FAK are you talking about?" I told him to PONDER MF'er...GET to PONDERING'!!!
That's when he came back with the smartest thing I've ever heard him say; "Ohhhhhh!"
The other thing was all about "If it's to be, it's up to me".
Backbone is far greater than Wishbone.
No one ever drowned in sweat. Far too many are waiting for things to happen. Other's MAKE things happen. That's when the first group wonders, "what happened?"
Don't be lazy...Do STUFF!
Dynamic Bench: 6x5x50%
Incline Bench: 6x5x same weight.
Over Head Military Press: 6x5x
Shrugs: 1x20x445; 1x20x475;1x20x505
Push Ups: 310 reps
Pull up totals=4054
Push Up totals=5991
Dip Totals-7683
Prowler Totals: 20.300 yards