For all those posting their high end six figure rides as a way to validate their EXTREME success. Here is my six figure ride (I’m including the two spots after the decimal).
By some people I would be considered successful, by others, I’m not. To those who get caught up in all this bullshit, the ones who really matter and care about you, spell success L O V E.
So why work so hard to impress those who really don’t give a shit while ignoring those who do?
Don’t blame this on social media, video games or other distractions. The ones who matter are right in front of your face.
Look, we all get sucked in and we all end up remembering just how stupid it is. All media has its place and time, but you decide what that place is...and when those times will be.
As for me, I’ll be taking my six figure ride to the gym later this morning.
Fuck DREAM BIG, dream whatever you want to be and help as many people as you can on the way.
I have to credit @coach_jl For the decimal point quote. He said this at his lecture last weekend and I told him I was going to steal it because it's awesome.