The other day I got into a conversation...no, more like a debate as to what the "Greatest Athletic Endeavor" of all time is.
I put in few guidelines like, OF ALL time and one that could NEVER be duplicated.
It was that, never to be duplicated that separated most of the competition.
Some would argue that Bob Beaman's 28 foot long jump at the Mexico Olympics was it. Wrong! Record broken.
Some would say it was the 1980 USA Hockey Teams victories at the Winter Games could never be duplicated. Wrong! In time.
Tom Brady's five Super Bowl wins...Nope, I am sure sometime in the NEXT 50 years that too will be surpassed.
THAT is when I came up with "THE MONKEY" standing long jump.
Yup, King Kong's leap from one World Trade Center to the other, without the benefit of a running start AND holding the girl in one hand and not crushing her has got to be THE most significant accomplishment of ALL TIME!
Think about it...since the Trade Centers no longer exist, that actual arena can not be duplicated. That alone seals it. BUT... Consider the distance of the Trade Buildings. 140 feet! 140 feet without even taking a one step approach. Just a powerful standing long jump. BOOM!
Now couple that with the fact he was holding a women of at LEAST 110 lbs, (She was curvy) so maybe 140??? Regardless, the monkey didn't crush her which showed great concentration and control.
Don't Fuck With The Monkey!
Today's Training:
SS Yoke Bar 1 inch High Dynamic Box Squat:
8x2x50% + 4 clusters of chains
Dead Lift:
8x1x50% + 4 chain clusters