Don't quit on the lift! My battle yell today was exactly that. Too often when attempting anything (like the three rep heavy chain press) we feel the weight upon unracking it and determine in our little pee brain that "it's too heavy" and we quit right there!
Others will feel that way and persevere for a rep or two, but that last rep is a no-go for the GRIND.
That's when I get in the participant's face and won't allow them to bail!
The hell man!!! It's not gonna hurt any less so might as well give it EVERYTHING you have.
Just remember...If you have to go through hell, might as well do it quickly!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Prowler: 6x120 yards
Work up to the dynamic weight of 50% doing three reps.
Once there, add one chain per side in each additional set until you can no longer perform THREE reps
Fat Grip Skull Smashers: 8x10
Banded Pull a part: 2x50
Rack Scraping OHP: 4x8
Bouncing Kettle Bell Shrug: 4x10
Bike Commute: 27 mins.