Don't save stuff for a special occasion. Today is a special occasion.
Years ago I had a participant in my program we'll call, "Dan" (because that was his name)
Dan would come to the gym late in the day based on my schedule he was the last person I'd train, but I didn't mind. Dan was THE nicest guy. We'd trade stories and jokes and lift and just enjoy getting into shape with each other.
Dan was also a wine aficionado. He knew them ALL. In fact Dan had quite the wine cellar at his house. It was HUGE!
As a way of thanking me for staying, he would bring me a bottle or two and tell me "here, these are (insert whatever, region, grape, barrel type, process) and I would ask...Should I save this for a special occasion? I knew Dan wasn't buying his wine from the $10.00 shelves, more like $300 tags from the winery...I checked, my wife wanted to get more of one of her favorites.
Any hoot, Dan would ask me what I was serving for dinner on a Tuesday evening or Thursday night or whenever.
I would say..."Pizza tonight Big D. You and the wife wanna come over?" To which he would reply, "Nope, we have other plans but thank you...thank you (he repeated Thank you's twice) and then tell me that I should certainly save the wine for a a special occasion........Like a Tuesday night pizza!
You see, Dan had it right back then. Anytime, any day is a special occasion! Enjoy it. Carpe Momentum...Seize the moment.
Today's Training:
4 rep max Box Squat:
use the SSB Yoke Bar
1" higher than parallel height
Beat last week's 6 rep weight
Rep Box Squat:
4x10@ same weight as last week's three sets of 10
GHR: 4x10
Pull Ups: 6x3 w/ pause at the bar
Pullover: 4x10
DB Row: 4x10
Bike Commute: 18 minutes
Sprints: 6x100