I bottomed out at 215 last weekend and figured this week would not provide much of a drop in weight due to being off the new fat burner AND finally Skiploading. I was wrong. I am down 4 pounds as I type this and still haven’t weighed in Saturday or Sunday morning so it could still drop even more.
I Skiploaded LARGE last Sunday figuring I was ridiculously flat and depleted after not loading for almost 3 weeks and I was correct because I had baselined by Wednesday of this week and that was after an all-day Skipload using the SCGS compound intermittently throughout the Skipload.
I speculate that I was holding more water than I thought while on the fat burner and when I stopped it, I was only “off” of it for 4 days prior to Skiploading so not all of the water weight had come off yet. After the Skipload I was holding water, of course, and then the water dropped from the Skipload AND from being off the fat burner – both at the same time – taking my weight down to 211.
Weird part is that the Skipload certainly brought back my strength. It didn’t make much of a difference early in the week but by Thursday for legs and Friday for arms I was putting up heavier weights than I have put up since starting this prep. I anticipate that it will continue into this next week and this is all while my weight is falling.
My condition is obviously better and I am happy with where I am right now but the honest truth is that I am starting to notice that at this weight years ago I would have been much bigger and fuller and even leaner so as I get leaner right now, it is becoming more obvious that I am not carrying “gassed” muscle, anymore. Bummer? Kind of but then again I do feel really healthy and am still motivated for the challenge ahead. I still think I can get into REALLY good condition but my final weight is almost certainly going to be under 190 and if I had to guess, it will likely be 185 before everything is said and done. I’m ok with that as long as my condition is great.
Mrs. Skip has been progressing well and the changes this week for her were pretty obvious so that was good to see. Her strength is at an all-time high so it is cool to see her putting up weights she hasn’t ever put up before while getting leaner at the same time.
We have a lot of work to do – the both of us – in the next 15 weeks but by all accounts, things are going well at this point.
Mrs. Skip has not Skiploaded for almost 3 weeks, as well, do to being on the fat burner but being behind me a week due to her being out of the gym due to medical issues a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to a nice, large Skipload this Sunday of an awesome breakfast, sushi and … that’s all we have figured out so far. Lol
Hope you all have a great weekend!