Temperatures are going to be getting up over 100 for the next few days. I tell the people that workout in my gym with me that NOW is the time to hydrate.
As little as a 1% reduction in the body's hydration level can result in as much as a reduction of 17% in performance. Imagine that? Almost a quarter in reduction. Can you afford any less than what you already are giving? I sure can't.
While on the subject, how about eating stuff out of your own backyard? I have tomatoes, zucchini , peppers, beans, grapes, oranges, lemons, limes, basil, and peaches growing in my yard. Eat that stuff before you eat something packaged at the grocery store.
I have a participant with classic "sciatica". We've been struggling with it for a couple weeks. Then like a blast from the pass, it occurred to me, PNF stretching for the hamstring/glutes.
Almost like magic...Voila'
(or at least I hope)
Today's Training:
Run: 3.1 miles
Both Tiers:
Inline DB Chest Press:
Work up to a heavy 8 reps
Once there do 3 more sets of 8
Chest Pin Press:
about 4" above the chest work p to a really heavy 6 reps
then do three more sets of 6
Stretcher Push ups: 3x35
OHP: 10x5
Indian Club Front Raise: 3x12
Shrugs: 4x10