"Dynamic" anything is a day we work on technique and the speed of the bar during the exercise.
An acceptable synonym for dynamic is "speed" as in Speed Bench, or Speed Squat. Using the word "speedy" anything aggravates me for some reason. So my people won't use it.
When doing a Dynamic exercise the goal is to reach a high bar speed while maintaining perfect technique. We COULD use a very expensive piece of equipment and attach it to the bar which is called a Tendo Unit. However, for my purpose, I use a mental stopwatch counting to "Three One Thousand" be it for the three reps of a bench press or the two reps of a squat.
In other words, once the bar starts to move, I count, for example, the bench, "One thousand, one; One thousand two; One thousand three" and the set should be over. Done! Using ONE BREATH!
Today I wanted FIVE reps to be done in that same three count. Talk about moving at a high rate of speed!!! What will happen is the need to do five reps in a three-count will make the normal three in three seem like a piece of cake and thus we can add more weight!
I have witnessed people talking about "Speed Bench or Speed Squat" and demonstrating a grinding single. Hey kids...that is NOT the purpose of the DYNAMIC anything.
I have seen guys load more weight than they can effectively handle and grind out their last two of the five repper. Hey kids...that is NOT the purpose of the Dynamic anything.
Swallow the ego (which from where I come from means, "Edging God Out".) and execute the proper training technique in its entirety.
We all know big people that move an incredible amount of weight. The day I watched Jim Wendler and Dave Tate execute a Dynamic Bench of 315 or 405 (can't remember the weight exactly) and it shot up off their chest RAPIDLY, well let me go on record to say, I lost my arms, my legs, and my mind over how impressive THAT was.
Drop some tonnage and move it quicker!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 25 mins.
Dynamic Bench: 10x5x50%
C/S Row: 6x10
Tricep Pushdown: 3x20
Rhythmic DB Curls: 3x20
Rhythmic Banded Flys: 3x20