Shrugs: 4x12x405
4 way Neck: 1x50x6.0
Dynamic Bench: 8x3x55%
C/S Row: 2x10 no working sets
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x55 (first 1/3 of the movement)
Cable Cross over: 2x15 just for the pump
Tricep Pushdown: 2x20 again, just for the pump.
Shrugs: 4x12x405
4 way Neck: 1x50x6.0
Dynamic Bench: 8x3x55%
C/S Row: 2x10 no working sets
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x55 (first 1/3 of the movement)
Cable Cross over: 2x15 just for the pump
Tricep Pushdown: 2x20 again, just for the pump.