1. Speed Bench - use 4 different grips (don’t care how you change them) 50% of your raw max (or guess) for 8 sets of 3 reps I used 185 lb. today
2. One Arm Barbell Rows
* 2 warm up sets with 60 and 70 lb. dumb bells
* 3 sets of 8 reps ( these should be hard work sets) with the 125 lb.
3. Pushdowns - any style - use an attachment you haven’t used before.
3 sets of 25 with 110 lb.
4. Dumb bell fly for the PUMP.
3 sets 15-20
5. Side Raises
3 sets of 30 and only 1/3 of the way up,
and Conditioning:
Bike ride home from the gym. For no particular reason, I love to hit the afterburners. What I did today was gear it up into the big sprocket in the front and the tiny one in the rear, and pedal as hard as I could for 100 revolutions.
I then geared down to recover. As soon as my tongue returned to my mouth, I got up on the pedals again to do the same 100 revolutions hard drive.
When I got home I had to immediately brush my teeth from all the wind grime that got stuck because of my grinning and teeth baring.
I am feeling rather DANGEROUS when I get in this mood. I cut off lousy drivers, tailgate busses, and pull Police over.
A simple 'Og later and then it's tub and nap time!
Today's quote of the day or "I need to write this one down" comes from one of my guys, Logan...he said, "Super Setting is Life". That made me laugh.