Here it is, Early Sunday morning with the California sun just appearing from the East. Some of my friends are up and at 'em for a while already. I just finished my weekly (or should I say, weakly) 5 K run.
Breakfast has been cooked and the air smells like BACON! YEA!
Summertime here at Casa de Selkow is actually busier than the other months. I have kids coming back from college, and the summer bod conscious people are in full swing.
We have a couple hockey related things, but nothing pressing.
Lacrosse is boss this time of year as Hunter is going to participate in the Northern California Elite practices and tournaments.
Needless to say, something has to give. (I still need a lot of ME time) so I decided that I spend too much time socializing on media forums that simply consume too much of me. Yes, I am obsessive compulsive type and have a hard time to moderate anything. I've told you before that I think moderation is for cowards and pussies...so...
While I won't be on Facebook and Twitter, and how the fuck did I even get an Instant gram account? I will be posting my thoughts and training here daily.
Besides, I wrestle with the aspects of writing a book. I've been asked many times to do it, but every time I start, I get to numbering the pages and call it there. Who wants to read my bullshit anyway? Not like I have an original thought. I've stolen EVERYTHING!!! (Given credit the three times necessary as per industry standards and then called it my own)
Well, it's not like I'm off to a secluded beach to surf and fish wearing a loin clothe growing an epic beard (I just shaved my hockey beard off as of yesterday). I'm here on EliteFTS if you need anything from me.
Today's training: 5K run
Time: 2 days:6 hours:32 minutes:16.5 seconds
Creaks, Pops, and snaps like a freshly lit fire in the pit kept me interested the entire run.
Like some say in small foreign countries that I say at a meal....