Since Protein is the King of Nutrients, in today’s Coaching Log I am giving you a few Easy Ways to Get More Protein. And it will address a common “complaint” I hear from clients a lot: it centers around the words I can’t.
This article isn’t really for the fellow meatheads out there. We know how to get protein in. This is for the newer trainee, the average Joe who goes to gym, Personal Training clients and especially, the ladies.
When I discuss nutrition with clients, I have gotten the same complaint from clients, especially ladies:
I can’t eat all that protein.
Can’t means won’t kids.
I’m not going to spend any time discussing the why’s you need Protein, or that it needs to be the biggest focus of your nutrition plan. Instead, I am going to give you Easy Ways to Get More Protein.
Easy Way to Get More Protein #1
This might be the easiest. Mix up 4 scoops of protein in a shaker cup, or even better, a mason jar (no plastic). Each scoop is typically 25 grams for most whey powders.
Toss it in the fridge and as soon as you wake up every day, drink one fourth of the jar right away.
- Before you pee.
- Before you brush your teeth.
- Before you let the dog out.
Drink one fourth of that four serving jar or shaker cup.
You have just added 25 grams of protein to your daily intake virtually effortlessly.
Easy Way to Get More Protein #2
Get one of these.

This is one of the coolest inventions for meatheads I have ever seen.
They are called Protein Powder Funnels. Most of them hold about a scoop of protein and they seal up tight. The small end fits into a standard water bottle.
You can get them on the Amazons. I get mine from Handsome Pete at the best supplement store on Planet Earth, American Nutrition Center in Everett Ma.

If you are local, stop in and see Handsome Pete. Tell him I sent you.
The Protein Funnel is a brilliant idea that stops the naysayers in their tracks when the C word comes up.
“I can’t carry a big shaker cup around all day”.
“I can't stop what I’m doing and mix a protein shake”.
Or the infamous “My boss won’t let me carry a shaker cup”. I get that one a lot.
I’m wiling to bet that 0% of you cannot stop and buy a 24 ounce water at the convenience store (or get some from the sink) and put a scoop of protein in it and sip on it all day as you would with water.
Do this twice and you’ve got 50 grams.
Easy Way to Get More Protein #3
Yes, eat.
Lighten up on the carb servings and add in some protein. Do this until you are getting at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight a day.
And you don’t need to add in ton of protein at each meal.
Just increase it by a little. And be sure and reduce something else because it’s the calories stupid.
There you have three Easy Ways to Get More Protein.
I’d give you more but #1 and #2 are GOLD! I bet you may not have considered them yet either.
Since I started adding in 25 grams of protein upon waking I noticed that I am recovering a little better and might be getting a little leaner. Now if I could just reduce my Jameson intake.
That’s all for this week kids.
Please comment and share this. And take the advice offered here. You’ll thank me later.
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Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy

November 21, 2024