1. Everyone you love is going to die.
2. If you feel your life is meaningless, that's your fault.
3. The perfect partner does not exist. Focus on finding someone that has the qualities you like and that has the same values in life you do and build upon THAT as your relationships grow
4. Life IS a game. Find the games you want to play. Learn the rules. Then win those games.
5. Everything has an ending. That's what gives value to it.
6. Be romantic about the little things.
7. Be a realist about the big things. It isn't a movie. You need a plan.
8. No Complaining. Figure it out or shut the fuck up! (there it is again, Rule #67)
Today's Training: High Intensity/Low Volume
Concept II Row: 10 minutes
C/S Row: to a 4 rep max. When you can't hit the bottom of the bench with the bar determines the max.
Chin Ups: 40 reps
BB Curl: 4x8
AirDyne Bike: 10 min.
Bike Commute: 16 min.
Sprint: 10x50 yards
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