My wife, son and I ventured into the lost exotic land of what is called Ohio. Apparently it never gets warm there and this must be the key to hugeness. After arriving we cooked, ate, and cooked again then passed out together. The "ohh so nice" young lady at the front desk of the hotel told me that they had me down for 1 King Size bed for the three of us. I guess she doesn't realize that:
1) My wife and son are about 1/2 of an American each
2) We are a very close family
3) We are at a Holiday Inn Express, anything is possible
We passed out and woke up Friday with enough time to eat, sleep, eat, and get to the gym.
I'd be lying if I said that I wanted to train. A mix of "you look good" and "you look tired" came from people in all directions. There are better ways to put it but it is not easy to walk into a gym filled with My Team Mates when your bodyweight, strength, and energy are all down and you need to train. After spending about 30 minutes standing around waiting for a place to squat to open up, my wife pushed me over into the monolift area. Finally Dave Tate walked by and told me to "go to this monolift and start lifting".
Most of everything after that is a blur. My vague memories are:
1) Bob Youngs told me that I sucked
2) Harry Selkow IS tall enough to help pull up my briefs
3) Joe Schillero saved my tail by running my monolift
4) I squatted 3 PRs including 715 in my briefs (15 lbs off my recent full gear PR)
5) A few things that Dave Tate told me in my ear before my PR squat
You won't want to miss the video as you will get to see me nearly crash into the monolift (I've been swinging mine out for 15 years), a little head butting and blood, and what it looks like when Team EliteFTS gets together and trains.