I wanted to pass on a great deal my friend Ken Kinakin is offering all readers and customer of elitefts.com. Ken is the promoter of the 2015 Swis Symposium. I have known Ken for many years and have presented at two or three of his past events.
These events are among the best in the industry!
His is offering elitefts a discount code: elitefts-vip
The regular Symposium Price is $1098.00 Canadian - The discount price (using the code above) brings the cost down to...
$369 Canadian
$290 U.S.
For more info & registration:
Date: November 13-14, 2015
Place: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, just outside of Toronto.
This is a list of elitefts Team members that will be presenting:
Dave Tate
JL Holdsworth
John Meadows
Julia Ladewski
Full Swis Presenter List:
Dr. Fred Hatfield
Ben Pakulski
Brad Gillingham
JL Holdsworth
Matt Nichol
Dave Tate
John Meadows
Fouad Abiad
Julia Ladewski
Joe DeFranco
Lorne Goldenberg
Kelly Armstrong
Dr. Ken Kinakin
Dr. Karim Dhanani
Dr. Mark Scappaticci
Dr. David Leaf
Dr. Jerome Rerucha
Dr. Peter Jaillet
Dr. Doug Stoddard
Kevin Darby
Paul Gagne
Donnie Thompson
Paul Chek
Dr.Dale Buchberger
Ian King
Dr. John Berardi
Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon
Dr. Jordan Moon
Dr. Eric Serrano
Rick Collins
David Sandler
Dr. Tom Bilella
Dr. Rob Rakowski
Dr. Luke Bucci
Eoin Lacey
Charles Poliquin
Dr. Darryn Willoughby
SWIS 2015 Schedule - click to enlarge