"A master taught that the control of emotion was the most important skill. His students wanted to believe him, but they were more interested in other things. The master taught those skills, too, but he emphasized that the control of emotion was the most important.One evening, a group of young students arrive at the home before the master. When the master arrives he holds a loose and precarious stack of porcelain tea cups. He is so focused on the carrying he does not appear to even notice the group of students. A mischievous student thinks, “Here’s a perfect chance to prove even the master can’t always control his emotions.” The student sneaks behind the master and gives him a hard push in the back, simultaneously yelling “boo!” as loud as possible. The other students know the surprise is coming and are still startled by the sudden movement and noise.The master, though, appears unperturbed. His stride remains unchanged due to the hard push,and he looks and walks straight ahead. The fragile cups remain intact in his arms. He reaches a table and places the tea cups on it. As soon as the cups are secure, he turns and looks at the mischievous student for a good 15 seconds. All is still. Then the master lurches forward as if he’s just been pushed, throws his arms into the air and yells “ahhh” as if he is surprised. “That is an example of control over your emotions. Everything that happens to me, I allow to happen, and therefore I control my response,” he said. Stay in control! Some simple, initial ways to practice this mastery include: 1) eat spicy foods, or use hot sauces. Control your response; minimize how much you drink. Practice your “poker face.” 2) Take contrasting hot and cold showers. Control your response; regulate your breathing. 3) Do notcomplain if something goes other than intended. Control your verbal responses to “bad” things. 4)Eat foods you dislike – find a way to move past the feeling of dissatisfaction. Practice control in everything!" ~ The Podda
SS Yoke Bar Shrug: 4x12x315
4 way neck: 1x12x7.0
Shoulder Crank: 4x7x25
DB Lateral Raise: 4x7x30
Y's: 3x7x10
T's: 3x7x10
Single Arm Cable Row: 4x8x90
C/S Row: 4x8x75
Pullover: 4x12
Everything is preceded with 5 pull ups. That's 30 total sets or 150 more to the yearly total.
Pull up totals=1069
Push Up totals=1127
Prowler: 720 yards
That's my very own "Tinker Nips" Even she tells it like it's suppose to be. BE A MAN!