I've really been feeling pretty good lately. My diet is getting better and my body is accepting more and more different foods that it was rejecting a few months ago. I'm 30 Weeks into Chemo and I'm feeling pretty darn good about it.
Early in the week my wife commented on me having abs. I didn't feel small but I got on the scale and in the last week I'd lost 15 lbs. About the only thing that I've changed in my diet is my snack foods and breakfast. Breakfast went from protein powder, 2 bananas, peanut butter, nutella all mixed into a bowl and consumed to...hand made cake. I've been eating a lot of cake lately and I'm lucky that the bakeries here make things by hand and not from a box and by replacing my snack addiction of Doritos, Pringles, and Bugles with hand made cake it is actually cheaper as well.
And out of nowhere I just started gaining weight again. Between Thursday morning and Friday afternoon I'd gained 18 lbs. So much so fast that I was having issues breathing. I hadn't changed anything...I was just gaining weight. Sitting at my work station my wife came over and asked if I was OK and I said that I think it was just that I was practicing Karate a little too hard tonight and was still out of breath from it...but that isn't it.
My meds are eating me and I've got to get on top of it. More blood work ordered.
Seems that my meds are not allowing my body to absorb B Vitamins again. I was using B-12 injections (2-4 PER FREAKING DAY) for a month and I was so sore that I could barely walk. Then I switched over to a B - Complex tablet that I thought was working but I guess it isn't. Friday morning I woke up with a very sore jaw. By Friday night I had a giant sized ulcer in my mouth around one of my back teeth, about the size of a nickel. Cause and Effect of my chemo and possible B-Vitamin malabsorption over long periods of time.
So I headed off to the pharmacy today with a list of things that I had to pick up.
Prescription strength folic acid
3 boxes of B Vitamin Complex Injections (9 amps over 3 week, 3 ml each)
B Complex vitamin
Special EXPENSIVE mouthwash
New allergy meds (in case)
Cortisone just in case
A medicine that I can only describe as "Fire on a Q-Tip". There is a liquid inside the Q-Tip and you rub the end of it onto the ulcer as long as you can take the Holy Mother Fire and Brimstone in your mouth.
So, back to feeling like crap this weekend. I've woken up and felt great, crashed a couple hours later, my in-laws picked up my son for a sleep over, my wife and I watched the first two episodes of The Game of Thrones on my laptop, and I managed 2 loads of dishes and cooking 2 meals today. Preparing food and drinks so I can take my luck at getting under a squat bar tomorrow!