I like to have fun! As a matter of fact, I am known to go to great length for a practical joke or a prank. I enjoy getting pranked too. If you're going to dish it out, you better know how to take it too.
Yesterday (Halloween) a friend sent me a video of an attractive young lady speaking what I believe was Spanish. (I took four years of Spanish I) The video ended with the lovely turning into a MONSTER and screeching into the mic and made me JUMP three feet and ask out loud...WHAT THE FUCK??? Then I laughed and immediately started to send it out to about 100 people. After all, I'M not the only one who was getting "spooked".
99 people wrote back with the typical responses, with tongue in cheek..."asshole!" "Got me!" WHAT THE F??? except for ONE!
Typical of my circle of friends, everyone is held together by a thread, and for most of the group that thread is that they are sick and perverted as I am with a warped sense of humor! But the ONE! THAT one special little snowflake who believes her IFBB butt doesn't stink...requested I never send her anything again.
With me, I am quite literal. NO PROBLEM!!! "DELETE".
When the Personal Message comes through as to why "did you do that?" I don't find it necessary to return with an answer that is obvious. BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME!
Stupidity needs elimination. It is running rampant. Stupid situations, stupid news, stupid PEOPLE! As easy as touching the "DELETE BUTTON". Boom! Gone! Off like a prom dress. Out of here like a dirty shirt!
No time for stupid or un-fun people!
Adios, AMF, Vios con Dios!!!
Today's Training:
Leg Swing: 20 reps
Leg Abduction Swing: 20 reps
Knee Circles: 20 reps
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12
Ab Wheel Roll Out: 4x12
Banded (Medium band) Wood Chops: 4x12
Concept II Rowing Erg: 5 mins easy followed by 8 x 15 second sprint w/ 45 easy recovery
AirDyne Bike: SAME as the Row.