This last week Amit Sapir stayed over to do some training after our weekend even the week prior. Then later in the week Joe Daniels of SwingThisKettlebell dropped in. You will find several video interviews on my youtube with him.
It was also a short week as I had to prep for leaving town and then go camping over the weekend. Here is a sample day of the week.
I wake up Thursday morning knowing Joe is going to be at the gym in the morning. But my wife wants me to drop the camper trailer off that morning at our house so she can pack it. Unfortunately I don't have shocks on my truck so I wake ups little early to install shocks and pickup the trailer. Turns out that the shocks I bought, while the longest to fit the stock mounts, are not long enough. So I fire up the phase generator in the shop and turn on some equipment and fabricate some new axle mounts. Climb under my truck, cut off the old mounts and then pull out my welder and my new low profile welding helmet. New helmet doesn't work.... mess around with it for awhile and give up. Pull out old helmet and get frustrated as bang it against everything under the truck. Get one mount welded on and the welder stops working. Mess around with it and realize it has major issues. Disconnect second welder from the rotary welder making ShouldeRok's and rewire to work with the trigger versus the rotary table. Finish welding and then have to install the shocks.
Eat a PB&J for breakfast as thats all i have time for.
Run over to rental property where trailer is stored and find the entrance to my storage area is blocked by some van. Knock on a few doors then hook up my truck and drag the damn van out of the way and halfway in street. Take trailer home, unhook, and open it up for the wife.
Grab my 6 year old son and run to the gym. Joe shows up 10min after I arrive. Film, train, and entertain my son all day long. Finally ordered a pizza and had a few slices for lunch at 3:30pm before doing our last interview. Then leave with just barely enough time at the end of the day to meet my wife and get our 3 year old daughter as she has evening classes. Take the kids both to their swimming lessons. By the time swimming lessons are done its late so I swing the kids through burgerville for dinner and after much screaming I get them regular size fresh blackberry shakes. After dinner I'm putting my daughter to sleep when my son comes up the stairs with his full shake and says he is going to throw it away. He turns around and and slips on the top step and the blackberry shake catapults down EVERY SINGLE stair cover each one and the wall the entire way down. The bottom landing and door are covered as well. BLACKBERRY BOMB!!!
After the two of us finally get that cleaned up I tell him to go throw the cup away which still had a little shake in it. He then somehow drops the cup again and covers one end of the kitchen floor to the next as well as the stairs to the landing with more shake. It still baffles me how he pulled that one off.
After cleaning that up and a glass of wine it was finally time for bed... or so I thought. Upon the wife's return I was convinced to do some more packing and closing up of the trailer before bed. It wasn't until Friday night at camp that I realized I had never taken time for a shower on either Thursday or Friday.... oh well. Camping time.
ShouldeRok x20,20,20
Bench – Duffalo Hove Press
315 x5,5,5,5,5
Cable Chest Press
¾ stack x20,20,20
Overhead Front Raise – Cable
½ stack x20,20,20,20
Tricep Pressdown
Stack+band x20,20,20
585+2bands x50,50
One Arm Cable Rows
Stack x20,20,20,20
Cable Rear Delt Flys
½ stack x16,16,16,16
585+2bands x50,50
ShouldeRok x20,20,20
Squat – Duffalo Bar
Warmup then
500+300 x2,2,2,2,2 (525 on last set)
Glute Ham Raise
Elevated x20,20,20,20,20
585+2bands x60,60
Speed Bech w/duffalo
115+160 bands x3 x(24 sets in 12minutes)
Bottoms up KB press while walking
Random kettleblell work with Joe Daniels
Tricep Pressdown
Stack+bands x25,25,16
585+2bands x65,75
ShouldeRok x20,20,20
ShouldeRok x20,20,20
ShouldeRok x20,20,20
Interview with IFBB PRO and Multiple Powerlifting Record Holder
First of several Interview with Joe Daniels