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@underthebar closing out the @elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training Success Summit. VIP training session tomorrow n that’s a wrap! Always come out of these things with a ton great ideas and motivation. I think one the biggest benefits is taking a second to sit back and realize how lucky we are to be able to do what we are doing and why we’re doing it. I have so much gratitude for all the awesome people I’ve been able to be around and learn from over the years because of ‘lifting weights’. Thanks to everyone who came out and made this weekend awesome! #mymfsvsyourmfs #thisiscoachinggnotaGDfratparty #truthoverhype #love #peace #blessed #unicornpunchers #conjugateu #getstronghurtfeelings #elitefts #weretakinoverthistown #operationreigningblood #maxeffort #focustruststrength #LLPO #dontbeasheep #custombuilt #mymfsvsyourmfs #squat #bench #deadlift #jumps #agility #chains #bands A post shared by Nate Harvey (@nateharvey2600) on
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It was great to finally get a chance to stop by and check out the new EliteFTS facility, see @coach_jl and Eric Serrano’s presentations, and catch up with some old friends and teammates . I haven’t been around EliteFTS in-person as much the past year with more of my time focused on my new job at UC - but it was great to see some great people and hear about what’s going on in their lives. Always so happy to hear when teammates have awesome things going on hopefully I’ll get a chance to come back around soon. . . #teamelitefts #elitefts #powerlifting #bodybuilding #crossfit #strongman #raw #squat #squatting #strength #power #speed #usapl #fitness #fitspo #wellness #gym #deadlift #deadlifting #bench #benchpress #squats #deadlifts #overheadpress #universityofcincinnati #campusrec #leadership #coaching #motivation #discipline A post shared by Joe Schillero (@joeschillero) on
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Dr. Eric Serrano going full tilt at @elitefts strength summit... always great education and humour... so much fun A post shared by Ken Kinakin (@kenkinakin) on
View this post on InstagramJL Holdsworth @coach_jl mesmerizing people with a powerful and impactful message ... so great!
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The ‘freeging’ MAN Dr. Eric Serrano at the @elitefts Strong(er) Sports Training Success Summit #thisiscoachinggnotaGDfratparty #truthoverhype #love #peace #blessed #unicornpunchers #conjugateu #getstronghurtfeelings #elitefts #weretakinoverthistown #operationreigningblood #maxeffort #focustruststrength #LLPO #dontbeasheep #custombuilt #mymfsvsyourmfs #squat #bench #deadlift #jumps #agility #chains #bands A post shared by Nate Harvey (@nateharvey2600) on
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@underthebar Q&A to wrap up the weekend. My brain hurts from information overload but I’m grateful for the quality of people that come together in the name of making others stronger (in every sense of the word). #elitefts #livelearnpasson #focustruststrength A post shared by Casey Williams (@thecaseywilliams) on
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Things get hands-on as Dr. Ken Kinakin @kenkinakin speaks during day 1 of the Strong(er) Sports Training & Success Summit this weekend. #sstss19 #livelearnpasson #elitefts #teamelitefts #squatbenchdeadlift #powerlifting A post shared by elitefts (@elitefts) on
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The elite FTS sports performance & buisness summit was truly something special!. . It was an honor to be in attendance. The amount of knowledge that was shared was incredible. Every presenter was authentic and genuine. Thank you @elitefts @underthebar for putting such an event together. Already looking forward to next year! @coach_jl @infinityfitness_dot_com @kenkinakin @buddymorris412 @alwyncosgrove @hypertrophycoach #neverstaycomplacent #refusetoacceptmediocrity #livelearnpasson #gym #strengthcoach #seminar #educate #knowledge A post shared by Vinny Scollo (@vinnyscollo) on
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2nd to last day at my beloved RPAC & i’m really not okay if you didn’t see my stories i attended an AMAZING @elitefts event that literally changed my life...like 30 lbs. increase in bench on a 16 hr. fast kinda change i learned some extremely useful information from insanely knowledge & talented people, like @underthebar who personally helped me perfect my bench, squat & deadlift w/ detailed cueing! now i want to show YOU GUYS! ✱✱✱ SWIPE to see 1) me demonstrating + talking through the motion (SOUND ON ), 2) guiding someone through this technique during a heavy bench single AND 3) my bench PR ✱✱✱ DISCLAIMER: these cues may NOT WORK for you & that’s ok! this is what i personally benefitted from & toon the basic to implement on others, if this doesn’t feel like it’s helping you & there’s other things to work on, move right along BUT be aware that sometimes feeling uncomfortable means it’s exactly what you needed, that’s how it went for me ✱✱✱ GRIPPING THE BAR: you have to SQUEEZE THE S**T OUTTA THAT BAR! it’s helpful to have someone pushing against the bar w/ their hands wide so you can press your hands against theirs & can put all the pressure on the bar w/o worrying about it flinging anywhere. think about curling your fingers & pressing your pinky into the bar! GLUTE BRIDGE + PLACING THE SHOULDERS DOWN & TOGETHER: something i struggled w/ doing a lot! if you glute bridge as high as possible it allows you to move & situate your shoulders/back. for me i had to think about squeezing my shoulders blades together and pushing them DOWN first THEN PRESSED together! if this makes your back sore, you’re doing it right BRACING THE CORE & TIGHTENING THE LEGS: when moving your legs/feet to the ground, don’t put your heels on the floor but push your toes down so hard it’s like your going against resistance to get your heels down. you should be SO TIGHT & BRACED if someone was hitting your legs they wouldn’t move. as far as breathing + bracing the core, take a breath through your nose then mouth to get as much air as possible & flex the abs while puffing out your chest. you should FEEL the force moving from your legs to your chest! A post shared by hallie burke | cpt (@hebfit) on