Because I'm old and cranky, my hearing has become a point of contention with me.
Some days my gym has TWO and sometimes THREE different musics playing...loudly.
Six fans blasting air in all directions to keep it cool, and then again the loud voices of the coaches and training partners (mine included)
Today was blissful and almost, now that I think about it, the overall success that took place when the fans weren't needed and I couldn't get the I Pad to fire up since it called for passwords, two forms of I.D., a social security card and my AARP card along with a bill stating my local address. The fans were unnecessary and everyone was soft spoken except for the grunts that come from pushing big weight.
When you can hear the coach's voice and the prompts to a good lift, technique can and will soar.
No! Music doesn't motivate you. It does excite you in some situations, but give a total silent training session a try. See if I'm not right.
Today's Training:
Hip Mobility: 50-50-50-50
3 hole Pin Pull: 2 RM A lot of folks put up some pretty big numbers today.
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
Shrugs: 4x8
Concept II Row OR AirDyne: 25:00 min.
Bike Commute: 20 minutes