Ever think about your own funeral?
Yep, I’m going there!
Who will be there that REALLY gives a shit? Think about the wakes you’ve attended. I’m sure most were out of respect, and there were a couple you will never forget. If it hasn’t happened already, there will be some that will turn your world upside down.
Moving into 2019, who will you be thinking about the most? Who will you spend the most time with? Who matters most to you?
Is it those people you’ve never met that talk shit about you online? Is it those who might comment “RIP” somewhere after you die? Oh, let’s not forget about those who will speculate about all the reasons you died. They have to matter, right? What about all those who won’t show up or wouldn’t care?
There will be those who will show up for appearances or out of respect for the family. Are they the most important?
...Or could it be those few that will think of you every day for the rest of their lives?
I have always said fuck legacy - I’ll be dead and won’t care about what “legacy” I leave. I really don’t give a shit! I do care about the memories those few will have of me because they will carry them for the rest of their lives.
It’s really that simple.