My gym is one of THE smartest gyms I've ever been in. Not that plate bangers are dumb, but for some reason there is a large presence of very well educated people that come through my doors. With that education, many are EXTREMELY successful as well. I won't mention any names else I become a "name dropper", but as readers from all over the world, you surely would recognize some of them.
I also believe that once these people are out of their "element" and placed in gym shorts, t shirts and (bare feet) they let loose a bit more and use their intelligence for other things other than the success grind. Some of them are down right hilarious with their ability to see different sides of life's equations.
I am always challenged to stay quick witted and articulate. Just yesterday, one of my people elbowed me and said just audible enough for me to hear the phrase that caught me off guard, but well needed at the time. He told me, "there's an A$$h@le in EVERY room. If you don't know who it is...then it's YOU!"
I thought about that for less than six seconds and broke out laughing.
So I used the Twitter media to contact two of my buds...Vincent DiZenZo and Mayor Matt Rhodes. I told them to look down their collars and spell "ATTIC". Go ahead. Do it! But do it out loud for the fun.
Dynamic Bench Today with a large quantity of shoulder work to boot.