Everyone knows that I have a list of rules. I have been asked to compile them for the masses, but I prefer to keep them in my head. The more you hang around me, the more you get exposed to them.
Rule #20 is Never say "Sorry"
Think about it, if you did or said something that pushed another person over the edge, then what? You didn't mean to say or do what ever it is that the person wants you to say sorry? I don't think so. At that moment when you did what you did, or said what you said, then you absolutely MEANT it.
Did the person receiving it not think it was meant for them? Possibly. But as I also like to say..."If the shoe fits Cinderella..."
Perhaps the degree of hurt comes from the TRUTH that was in the statement and it was a very sensitive chord?
In any event, saying your sorry shows a weakness. Somewhere! Either on the delivery or the reception. But sorry? What for?
I know for me, that if I get hurt (rare) it is probably a criticism that I wasn't READY for. Not that I didn't need, but I was NOT READY.
Everyone has days of greater sensitivity. I choose to keep my "sensitive side" in check.
Let it go on record...add Rule #20 to the list. 'Cause I ain't about to say "I'm sorry". Let's move on...
Dynamic Squat: 12x2x50% Using the SSB Yoke Bar and a low box
Deadlift with the Hex Dead Lift Bar: 12x2x50%
Three sets of 12 reps on the GHR
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 2x25