Over the years I've developed my program with what I call specific intent.
That means nothing was put in at any point in the year haphazardly. Everything has a purpose.
What I say to the participants has specific intent
Everything I write is with a purpose in mind.
Knowing that, you should ask..."why is he writing this? "Why did he just say, that?"
Sometimes it's to make a person think. Sometimes it's to lead a person to the answer that I expected them to get, but want that person to have OWNERSHIP of the idea.
Why did I just say that?
Because to know and not to do, is not to know as far as I'm concerned.
When I write the program for the day, it's not just to make people busy. I write a conditioning portion that sometimes gets thrown out because a person runs out of time.
Hey look, I'm not in charge of YOUR time management. Sometimes a workout might last 90 minutes. Sometimes a workout lasts 30 minutes. How you do it is up to YOU!
But to forgo any part of the training is taking the cheesecake recipe and turning into something else.
Do what I suggest you should do, and I'll know where you are in your health, condition, and strength.
Pick and choose, or cherry pick as it's known and I have no fucking clue.
My program works, if you work my program! Simple!!!
To say one portion is more important than any other portion means you know more than I do and if that's the case, then maybe I should be paying YOU!
I know what I bring to the table:
1. I make people stronger
2. I make people more conditioned
3. I make people smarter
4. I make people 4 times sexier than previously thought.
5. I make people Ass Kicking Confident Metabolic Infernos.
Do it your way, and you will have none of it.
Today's Training:
Concept II Row
AirDyne Bike
Blast Strap Rows
Blast Strap Curls