Probably one of the best weeks I have had in a long time in relationship to the gym and to my condition and progress. However, there is always something to keep you in check.
I quite simply feel like I am on a cycle but I am not. I am so full the majority of the time and just feel "big" while my strength is great in the gym and climbing. Pumps and energy in the gym is great, joints are great, etc.. I have no complaints, at all, and I am simply enjoying the training and progress right now.
Your question may be the obvious one: Why do you feel like you are on a cycle if you are only using TRT doses?
I understand that some will eye roll to this but oh well. I am being as honest as I can be about what I do - I am very open these days. After being calorically restricted for so long earlier in the year and even as early as late 2015, my body is not only appreciating the step up in calories but is sucking up a LOT of what I am eating.
My calories have increased over the last couple of months but only in very small increments and yet the results are just insane and has fueled progress very well. What is equally as important is the increase in calories has fueled growth but has also only added an insignificant amount of body fat. To put it a better way I feel tighter and in better condition now at 220 than I did anywhere under 210 even down to when I hit 200 pounds. My skin was loose, I was flat all the time and I was weak. I am exactly the opposite of that now.
Another example of something that has changed is that I didn't recognize how weak and depleted my legs were until about a month ago. I am now getting ridiculous pumps and actually increasing my squat poundages and reps where until a month or two ago, when I trained legs my base wasn't solid, my glutes and hams were beaten to shit and my legs would barely hold a pump.
While everything has been going better than can be expected, there is always something that has to creep up. I have had a nagging pain in my right rib area in my back above my kidney for a few weeks now. It started only when I was training and felt more like a pain you get when you cramp in your ribs from running after drinking too much water. It has progressively gotten worse and has been bothering me in the gym this week and out. It almost feels as if the muscles in my ribs are depleted and exhausted but I know that isn't the case. I had an adjustment yesterday which helped but then trained back (which went just fine) but it is pretty sore. I am scheduled to train legs today for the second time this week and I think I will but it has crossed my mind to get an extra day of rest and see if that helps for next week.
Still, everything is going very well and I have no complaints. Yes, I am TRTbodybuilding but I am growing and had you asked me 2 years ago if I would be able to have these kinds of workouts and make this kind of progress and keep this much muscle, I would have laughed. I honestly wish I had made this decision sooner.
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