So this is mostly all personal stuff, but it's life. My grandmother, Nanny, just passed. She was the nicest person I have ever known. There's not a bad word to say about the woman and I'm one who will say bad sh!t about people. Someone's passing does not change whether they were an asshat in life. Anyway, she was 96 and still living on her own. I was out to dinner with her within the past month where I watched her take down a whole lobster like a champ. If there's somewhere to sign up for that, I'll take it. Nonetheless, Nanny, I'll miss you deeply. I'm grateful to have had you in my life.
That's the bad. I'm one to get that out of the way first. I really try to keep perspective where I can and focus on the good. Well November is probably the craziest month I have planned out in my adult life. If you know me or follow my log, you'd know that I'm pretty much a recluse. Jess and I are a self contained unit. So for me to have things planned just about every weekend is beyond nuts.
Next weekend my high school football team is being honored 30 years later. We were undefeated and actually ranked around top 20 in the country. There's a lot planned around it so I have that going on. Also this weekend is the annual Warren Miller movie showing. Every year they put out a new skiing movie to get everyone pumped up for the season. It's not just a movie, it's a whole experience. We don't miss it.
The following weekend I was able to get tickets to see UFC 205 at Madison Square Garden. If you are an mma fan, you'll know how huge this is. MMA has just become legal in NY so this is the first show. I could sell my tickets for a boatload of cash, but we are just far too excited to go to these fights. It's the best card the UFC has ever put on.
The weekend after that is the CT Special Olympics powerlifting event. Karsten, Drew, and I judge and we never miss it. It's the best meet of the year. Then the following day Karsten is competing in NY. I mean come on, this is more than I do in a whole year.
Finally I'll get a little break with Thanksgiving. We have nothing planned. Well, nothing other than stuffing my face. I am in dire need of surplus calories.
Low and behold the first weekend of December I will be heading out to Casa De Muerte, better known as Wendler's house. That's when Rhodes, Jim, and I will be competing in our NOV meet. Oh wait, the day before I leave I am closing on a new house.
Yeah, I am getting a new house. I really wasn't even in the market. However, my motto is, the best time to get something is when you don't need it. What we hope to be our forever house came on to the market and we snagged it. I'm so flippin psyched. The best thing is, there's a huge basement. About a third of it is unfinished and will be dedicated solely to a gym. No extra storage. No looking at shelves of dog food or cookware, just a whole gym, nothing but gym.
Considering I like to live my life by the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Stupid), that will not be the case for a while. With the exception of Nanny's passing, it's all good stuff. I just have to hold my head together so it does not explode.
Anyway, this was my heavy week. I had a few nights of only three hours sleep and I need seven to function properly. That freaked me out because I never want to come up short on training, but it all worked out. I think this is week 12 of pain free training. Just trying to keep the wheels from flying off.
Full body warm up
-Dips 75 5x5
-One arm landmine press 100 5x5
-Meadows row 100 5x5
-Ez curl 60 1x5, 110 4x5
-Dbl single leg dl 20 5x5
-Dbl Bulgarian split squat 20 5x5
-Treadmill 30 minutes am
-Tradmill 65 minutes pm
-Thruster tabata
Full body warm up
-Hex bar dl 335x5, 375x5, 415x5, 335 10x5
*Assistance, nada. I hardly slept the night before
-Treadmill 20 minutes
*It's all I had time for
Full body warm up
-Bench 310x5, 345x5, 385x5
-Close grip 310 5x10
-Inverted rows 5x10
-Triangle pushups 5x10
Full body warm up
-SSB box squat 320x5, 360x5, 400x5, 320 7x5, 1x15
-Back raises 3x20
-Ab wheel rollouts 3x20
-40 lb ruck 25 minutes
-Treadmill 35 minutes