I’ve put a lot of time and effort into designing, testing, and eventually selling equipment specifically for home gym users who may not have the budget or space for the full sized versions. My equipment is made of solid steel right here in the USA, actually right down the street from Orlando Barbell. This not only enables me to help promote jobs in the US but also to regularly check on the progress and to test the prototypes. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but having the equipment manufactured in the USA costs more than mass producing the products in another country. My mark up on the equipment is relatively low so it keeps the equipment as affordable as possible, meaning I don’t make much on them. My point from this is that I need to promote the equipment more in order to make it more visible to you. Because of this I’ll be posting weekly exercise spotlights.
This week I’m showing April Harper using The OBB Power Handles for farmer’s walk. This shows how sturdy and versatile The OBB Power Handles are.
Start squatting without pain and adding some variety to your training with
The OBB Power Handles!