Exercise, that’s stupid.
Some of the things I see amaze me in 2016.
Yeah, I know I sound like a grumpy old man, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and accountability?
I saw someone set up a GoFund me page to take a trip across country to “Find Themselves” and people have donated.
I need to switch gears a little though, that’s not my rant for the week.
Here is my rant for the week:
I am ranting now about the latest medical breakthrough and the FDA.
In case you have not heard about it, the FDA approved a vacuum cleaner that attaches to your stomach called the AspireAssist device.
Yup, they implant a tube into your stomach and you simply suck the food out into the toilet about 30 minutes after you eat.
I am not making this up.
Let’s look at this:
The company says that it is intended for obese people at least 22 years of age who have not been able to lose weight through other approaches, excluding surgery.
Who cannot lose weight if they change their lifestyle?
There is not a single person on the planet that cannot lose weight through caloric deficit, proper nutrition and exercise (think strength training and cardiovascular training).
It’s simple math. Wait. It’s arithmetic.
Math is complicated.
Calories in versus calories out.
Eat less calories than you consume and you lose weight.
Even if it’s from Reese’s cups and Snickers bars.
Here is a simple example:
Let’s say we have a 6-foot male who weighs 300 pounds.
If we feed him 8 calories per pound and adjust the calories bi-weekly to account for weight loss, he will lose weight.
300 pounds x 8 calories equals 2400 calories.
That’s not a ton, but it will cause a weight loss.
Even if he eats all 2400 calories from Snickers.
Sure, he won’t build muscle, and will most likely lose some and he certainly won’t be healthy but he will lose weight.
Let’s go so far to say that in two weeks he is down to 285.
Adjust the calories to 285 x 8 for 2280 calories and we still will see weight loss without adding a vacuum cleaner that drains your guts into the potty.
Now, if we adjust this and feed him high quality food and enough protein, we will see a healthy weight loss.
Add in strength training of on appropriate type and amount along with the same for cardio and we see muscle develop and fat go away.
We do this all the time with clients here.
Why can’t the FDA figure this out?
You’ve seen this before from me:
300 pounds x 8 calories a pound is 2400 calories.
1 gram of protein per pound is 300 grams of protein or 1200 calories.
This leaves 1200 calories from carbs and fat.
A weight loss will result, and quickly I might add.
Why bother trying to lose weight the old fashioned way?
Just tell your doctor that you tried really hard, really. They’ll give you a pill or a surgery or a vacuum cleaner to suck the food out.
Eating right and getting off your fat ass is just too hard.
Listen, I lost a ton of fat by going into caloric deficit.
It didn’t happen overnight.
It took about a year to lose about 50 pounds of fat (going from 308 to my current 258).
It wasn’t that hard either.
It just takes a little will power.
Look at Vincent D.
He is JACKED and LEAN and he was HUGE.
He did it.
I did it.
So can everyone else.
They just don’t want to have accountability or responsibility.
I would argue that a doctor would have let me have bariatric surgery if I asked.
Not my doctor of course. He would have told me to sew my mouth shut and to get on a treadmill for a year.
That by the way would have been good advice.
The FDA is loaded with bad ideas for weight loss.
Look at Phen-Fen a few years back.
Why diet and exercise when you can take this pill?
Oh wait, it killed people. They fast tracked it anyway.
How about bariatric surgery with little to no counseling?
Happens all the time.
A lot of time they tell the prospect to lose 60 pounds before the surgery.
If you can lose 60 pounds to have the surgery, you can lose 100 without it, but they do it anyway.
How many people have you seen that had the surgery and then get fat again?
I’ve seen a bunch.
Here is the point:
We are capable of doing great tings if we try and have personal accountability and personal responsibility.
Put some willpower into your day and set a goal and do not stop until you reach it.
Be responsible for your destiny.
On another note, I took the boy to a Hot Rod show and Drag race last week and saw this at the food concession and had to take a picture.
I’ve never seen 33% Fancy anything.
Was the 100% Fancy stuff too expensive?
Ask me a question-Be sure and Type to Murph in the header
Find me on Google-search for Total Performance Sports Malden, Mass. The Best Gym in Boston, Facebook too.
Oh, yeah, follow us on Instagram too. TPSMalden
Vincere vel mori
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