One of my favorite days of the week...Wednesday! Steven goes to the gym with me for sure on Wednesdays and we always have the best discussions. Today he began by filling 1/4 of the gym with LEGO, playing in the dirt, getting ice cream from the ice cream truck, then decided he wanted to discover the MegaMax 3000 machine in the back room.
Me? What did I do? I'll tell you what WE did..
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
Onyx Heavy Bands
242 x 5
+ 70 chains, held his ice cream while he went to pee, then 4 reps
+ 55 chains x 3 x 2 sets
+ 55 chains x 3 x 5 sets
+ monster mini bands x 1
+ monster mini bands x 1
+ light band x 1
SS Yoke Bar GM's
152 x 3 x 3
5 sets of 10 on bench press, tricep push down, leg presses
Dbell Curls
He did 3 reps then got bored
Dbell Press
set of 5
set of 4
set of 3 x 2
6 sets of 2 with 45/100
3 sets of 5+ reps
135 kg x 4
160 x 3 x 2 sets
175 kg x 3 x 4 sets
Deadlift 25 kg x 1, MAX EFFORT LIFT!!!
Writing down his training session...
As you can see, the first exercise is sets of 10 on the plate loaded machine and the 2nd exercise is the squat bar. He didn't have the energy to write down his deadlifts afterwards.
And under that is his Greek Lesson of the Day for me.